Rook is an open source cloud-native storage orchestrator, providing the platform, framework, and support for Ceph storage to natively integrate with cloud-native environments.
Ceph is a distributed storage system that provides file, block and object storage and is deployed in large scale production clusters.
Rook automates deployment and management of Ceph to provide self-managing, self-scaling, and self-healing storage services. The Rook operator does this by building on Kubernetes resources to deploy, configure, provision, scale, upgrade, and monitor Ceph.
The Ceph operator was declared stable in December 2018 in the Rook v0.9 release, providing a production storage platform for many years. Rook is hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as a graduated level project.
OPA decouples policy decision-making from policy enforcement. When your software needs to make policy decisions it queries OPA and supplies structured data (e.g., JSON) as input. OPA accepts arbitrary structured data as input.
Pod Security Policies
Rook requires privileges to manage the storage in your cluster. If you have Pod Security Policies enabled please review this document. By default, Kubernetes clusters do not have PSPs enabled so you may be able to skip this document.
If you are configuring Ceph on OpenShift, the Ceph walkthrough will configure the PSPs as well when you start the operator with operator-openshift.yaml.
Creating the Rook operator requires privileges for setting up RBAC. To launch the operator you need to have created your user certificate that is bound to ClusterRole cluster-admin
You need at least one PodSecurityPolicy
that allows privileged Pod
execution. Here is an example which should be more permissive than is needed for any backend: