For the past eight years, the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has utilised its pivotal role in the cloud-native community to survey the technology landscape, comprehend its workings, and cater better to the users of open-source cloud-native technologies. The worldwide survey has been conducted from June to September 2022, reaching 2,063 participants. The survey was conducted in English, Chinese, and Japanese and was promoted through various channels such as social media and email newsletters. The questions in the survey were more nuanced this year, differentiating between production usage and selected usage, and also included anonymous production data from Buoyant, Datadog, and Dynatrace to provide real-world insight into CNCF project usage. The results of the survey provide a comprehensive understanding of the cloud native community, their challenges, and benefits from using cloud native technologies. The report is global in scope, covering 6 continents, and equally including organisations of all sizes.
Key results
It is clear that Kubernetes has established itself as a widely adopted and powerful platform for organizations and its versatility and ability to accommodate a range of workloads has solidified its position as the “operating system of the cloud“. 44% of respondents are already using containers for most applications and business segments, and another 35% are using containers for a few production applications. However, the adoption of cloud native techniques is still in its early stages, as only 30% of respondents’ organizations have adopted it across nearly all development and deployment activities. Despite this, 62% of organizations that do not regularly use cloud native techniques have containers for pilot projects or limited production use cases, indicating potential for growth. According to the 2022 Container Report by Datadog (Datadog, 9 Insight on Real-World Container Use), nearly half of all organizations using containers run Kubernetes to deploy and manage some of those containers. Additionally, organizations are more likely to adopt a multi-cloud approach as they grow in size.
In general, the adoption of Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) incubated and graduated projects continued to grow. OpenTelemetry, a project for collecting and analyzing telemetry data from applications and infrastructure, saw a significant increase in usage, rising from 4% in 2020 to 20% in 2022. Argo, a GitOps-based continuous delivery and multi-cloud serverless platform, also saw a significant increase in usage, growing from 10% to 28%. Containerd, the popular open-source runtime for building and packaging Docker containers, and CoreDNS, a DNS server with a focus on service discovery, both saw a significant increase in use and evaluation. Containerd usage increased from 36% to 56% while CoreDNS usage increased from 48% to 56%. Serverless architecture/FaaS also moved from 30% to 53%, also showing that 37% of end-user organizations have some experience deploying applications with WebAssembly, with WasmEdge and WAMR being the most commonly used runtimes. The use of service meshes increased from 36% in 2021 to 45% in 2022, demonstrating that organizations are looking to further automate and optimize communication between microservices. The use of cloud native observability tools, such as Prometheus and Grafana, also rose significantly in 2022, with 57% of organizations now using them to monitor and troubleshoot their Kubernetes deployments
These trends indicate that organizations are increasingly looking to adopt and integrate advanced technologies into their cloud-native ecosystems. CNCF projects are widely recognized as being best-of-breed, production-ready solutions that help organizations address the challenges of deploying, managing and scaling cloud-native applications. The widespread adoption of open-source projects also suggests that organizations are looking for cost-effective and flexible solutions that can be customized to meet their unique needs. Lack of training was reported as the biggest challenge in using and deploying containers. This challenge was cited by 44% of organizations who have not yet deployed containers in production and by 41% of organizations who use containers on a limited basis. As organizations increase their use of containers for nearly all applications, the challenge of security becomes the top concern. These findings suggest that organizations need to invest in training and security measures in order to fully adopt and benefit from container technology.
For the full article: https://www.cncf.io/reports/cncf-annual-survey-2022/
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